The Twilight's PeakTRAVELLER

Imperial Library Search Results

Number of like terms found for PDPT-beta: 1


Chemical compound discovered by Seaharvester (now a subsidiary of SuSAG, LIC) scientists in the corpse of a prereproductive phase daghadasi (large water animal) some eight years ago. The full name of the compound, Cis-1,2 paradichlorotirethylaminoprocycloheptatrenyl-4-tricyclohexenebeta, is rarely used. The chemical serves as the basis for a family of experimental broad-spectrum antibiotics which can be selectively "tuned" to wipe out specific types of bacterial, viral, and cancerous growths, while leaving adjacent benign growths untouched. Thus far, no synthesis of the chemical has been produced, and the ecology of the daghadasi homeworld was in danger of serious danger of becoming unbalanced, until the actions of the Pan Galactic Friends of Life persuaded SuSAG to take action.