The Twilight's PeakTRAVELLER

Imperial Library Search Results

Number of like terms found for Megacorporation: 1


An extremely large interstellar corporation. When a corporation's scope of operations are such that it provides services to an area similar to that controlled by Imperial government, it earns the name megacorporation. Only thirteen such companies exist within the Imperium, along with another thirteen based in other interstellar states. Because of their size, megacorporations have truly astronomical numbers of employees, shareholders, and profits. Their upper level executives labor at broad policy questions, and are largely out of contact with the day-to-day (and even year-to-year) activities of the corporation. The real power in the company lies in the hands of the regional managers (under whatever title they have) Who control the actual operations of the business. While they may control only a small fraction of the megacorporation's assets, they wield more power in some areas than do the representatives of the Imperial government. A small number of Imperial regulatory agencies have power over the megacorporations, and the companies are subject to any applicable local taxes as well. Nevertheless, if Imperial sovereignty is not blatantly violated, regional managers can usually conduct their company' s business as they see fit.