The Twilight's PeakTRAVELLER

Imperial Library Search Results

Number of like terms found for GSbAG: 1


(Geschichtkries Sternschiffbau AG) Founded, according to company propaganda, in -2438 from a consortium of old Terran manufacturing firms. In actual fact, there is no concrete evidence of the corporation's existance prior to a contract with the Sylean Federation Navy in -334. Unlike other manufacturers, GSbAG (populary known as Gas-bag) has restricted itself almost exclusively to the manufacture of starships since its earliest known existance. GSbAG is one of two firms charged with the manufacture of the personal vessels of the Imperial family and is a major contractor for the Imperial military. Their products command extremely high prices, but it is generally conceded that the quality makes them well worth it. Stock ownership: Hortalez et Cie- 19%, Imperial family- 4%, Noble families (includes the families of the legendary founders)- 44%, Other corporations- 13%, Private investors- 4%, Other- 16%.